Sunday, August 2, 2009

Fire Buds

ISO 500, 1/160, f5.6


  1. Are these off that crazy vine that is taking over the stavio??? If so...I am thrilled that you took a picture of them, I wanted to see what that thing was going to produce! Now I want a chute of my own!

  2. That is a trumpet vine. I had one that I tried to get rid of but it is back.... I'll be trying to train it up a trellis now, the hummingbirds love those flowers. Nice shot!

  3. Yep then that is exactly the plant that I was talking about! It is all over my dad's(nikon sniper)porch.

  4. Wow, a RED trumpet vine! Beautiful! We only have yellow, & purple ones where I live!
    I love the red!

  5. Beautiful picture. I wish I could take great pics like that!

  6. Pretty!! I really enjoy pictures of everyday loveliness like this.

  7. Very nice! Flowers are one of my favorite things to shoot.

  8. Congratulations on your new photo blog. You are a talented photographer already, and you will only further refine your skill land creativity. I will sign up to follow your blog.

  9. Hey thanks for stopping by at my corner, good to have ya...
    I'm thinking...I should retire my Cannon and get a Nikon... everyone in the "blogoshere" seems to be using those and with good results too.... hmmmm

  10. Nice shot leah,
    Try taking the shot while laying down, see what you think?

  11. Have fun with your photography and new blog, I'll be following along :)

  12. Hi Leah, looks like you are off to a great start with your blog. I enjoyed your pics much!
