Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Meet Simon

ISO 800, 1/320, f10.


  1. Hello Simon, waiting for a nice juicy fly?

  2. Hello Simon. I'm glad that you are weaving your web at someplace other than at my house!

  3. Great shot! Thanks for the follow. Now, I popped over and was blessed by your pics! God bless.

  4. Where is the raid?


    Just kidding spiders are cool

  5. When I read your profile (when you decided to follow my blog)I researched narcolepsy before I entered your space. The very fact that you list so many diverse activities on your side bar despite the battle you face each day is a testament to your overcoming spirit. I bet God is going to do something utterly awesome with your life! And ...you have a great eye for catching a great image

  6. Thanks for following.
    You have beautiful images, some people should learn from you (including me). You're really talented. Big smile.

  7. I'm honored to follow you. You do great work and will no doubt be one of the best photographers anywhere one day

  8. Now there is quite the spider and the web to go along with it... too cooL.


  9. Thanks for following me and introducing me to your wonderful blog. I love your photos.

  10. Gracias por visitar mi blog. Me gustan mucho tus fotografías. Preciosas. Besos.

  11. Awesome pictures. Thank you for following arise 2 write. I look forward to following your blog. Blessings, andrea

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.


  13. (I removed the above comment because I called you "Simon." I'd blame my bad head cold for making me so thick today except for the fact that I'm no better when I feel good, lol.)


    I'm new to your blog and wanted to say how impressed I am.

    I started shooting when I was 13 (too many years ago to get more specific than that, lol) and finally decided to do it professionally about 10 years ago.

    I have since shot for magazines and newspapers worldwide and even have a coffee table photo book currently in bookstores.

    I'm not telling you any of that to try to impress you - believe me, there is no reason to be the least bit impressed - but to let you know that I have been around a lot of great photographers and seen lots of photos and though my opinion is no more valid than anyone else's, I hope my words of encouragement will help keep you "focused" on continuing to "develop" your art (sorry about that ... I couldn't resist).

    If I can ever help in any way, please get in touch (my email address is either on my blog or in my profile).


  14. Ewwww Okay Simon wouldn't be one I would care to come in contact with again. When I was about 13 I decided to sneak out of my bedroom window and meet my girlfriends in the park, well one night this spider which probably had a web in the plants by my window decided to piggyback on top of my head and slowly made it's way down my forehead.. icks
    I still remember that night I screamed and got busted by my parents lol.

    Thanks for your visit, I look forward to seeing more of your photos.
